M. P. Public School, Anandnagar is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education New Delhi. It is at present up to class XII. It was established in the year 2010, the school has already made its presence felt in the education field of Uttar Pradesh within a few years. MPPS has become one of the most sought after CBSE schools in the state.
M. P. Public School is situated at Anandnagar, Thirty Five kilometers to the north east of Gorakhpur, on the Gorakhpur – Sonauli Highway road(NH 29). It is owned and managed by charitable trust. Mr. Santosh Pandey is the Director of the School.
Ever since its establishment in 2010, the school has contributed a major share in extending the scope and reach of regional educational achievements. Committed to excellence, we seek to educate our students to be responsible, productive and creative citizens of the world and cultivate in them, the skills to think globally, reason critically and communicate effectively. The institute seeks to impart knowledge and develop skills in women to become professionals well versed in modern technology and management practices while imbibing social sensitivity and environmental consciousness for the betterment of self and society. MPPS is instrumental in sculpting students to obtain top ranks in many competitive examinations.