MPPS lays great emphasis on the all round development of the children. To achieve this, they are provided opportunities to participate in a number of co-curricular activities. The students are grouped under four houses, named after stones viz. Emerald, Ruby, Topaz and Sapphire. Several inter-house and inter-school cultural, literary and sports competitions, conducted throughout the year, give them a chance to showcase their unique talents in a variety of ways.
Students Council
Students participation in activities management is encouraged and they are expected to shoulder responsibility by holding various offices in houses. It helps children to develop self-confidence and leadership quality that are integral to the growth of a successful personality.
School Band
MPPS Band is a unique and characteristic feature of our institute. It synthesizes harmonic development and rhythmic coordination among children, raising the art of making music to a distinguished level. Skilled bandmasters of Brass Band and Pipe Band impart training to the students.
Promoting Competition & Cooperation
To inculcate a healthy spirit of competition, students are rewarded for outstanding performances in academics, games, sports and other co-curricular activities. These awards acts as a mechanism of motivation for students to strive constantly for excellence in various fields.
MPPS was founded in 2010 and since then academic excellence is the target for students and many have indeed proved in district even. Many times school took championship in district level sports meet conducted by District School Association.
Annual Prize Distribution
Meritorious students who have excelled in the field of Sports, Culture and Academics are felicitated at the glittering Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony.
School Fete
The School fete is an annual event and organized each year on Christmas Day. A colourful extravaganza of games by the students and teachers is spread across the lawns of the campus. The proceeds from the Fete go into various socially useful projects, such as tree plantation drives, literacy programmes etc.